Nutrition and Weight Loss

Apr 09 2015

Seminar-Dealing with Difficult People

Events, Healthy Life, News, What Works Blog|

Participants will learn how to: Develop a “personal game plan” for dealing with difficult people Identify the “3 D’s” for dealing with the difficult people you encounter Become less reactive and more responsive to the difficult people in your life Pre-register by making checks payable to Stewart B. Ball, MS and mail to Xcel Performance Please welcome Stewart Ball— ...

Mar 25 2015

Meal Prep Made Simple

Healthy Life, Nutrition and Weight Loss, What Works Blog|

Article Complements of Miracle Fitness newsletter by Dan Ritchie Ever wonder what it would be like to open your fridge to find a full week of healthy, delicious food that’s prepped and ready to be eaten? Sure would make sticking with your diet and achieving fat loss a lot easier… Meal prep is a fantastic way to keep on track ...

Mar 11 2015

Reasons to Train your Backside

Exercise, Gym, Healthy Life, What Works Blog|

We live in a society that SITS! Your glute muscles (your caboose) become inactive while you sit. This inactivity makes it difficult for your glute muscles to understand how to activate when you start running on the treadmill at the gym or go play tennis with a friend. So it’s important to take breaks from sitting through out the day ...

Mar 02 2015

Elements of Good Posture

Gym, Healthy Life, What Works Blog|

Posture is something often neglected, but this neglect could be causing you more pain than you realize. When posture goes kaput, then all your joints and muscles are taken out of their natural movement pattern. The result is injury or chronic pain. As you are standing, sitting, moving, exercising-take into account the alignment of your spine. Here is a short ...

Nov 18 2014

“What Works” Will working on my core muscles give me a flatter stomach?

Exercise, Gym, Nutrition and Weight Loss, What Works Blog|

Everyone has abs. Some people complain of “not having abs,” but the reality is that your abs are just covered by layers of fat. If you want to flatten your stomach and see abdominal definition, you must reduce the fat layers that are covering those sexy muscles. 4 steps to reduce fat in your stomach area are to reduce sugar intake in your diet, burn ...

Oct 30 2014

“What Works” in fitness and nutrition #1

Gym, Healthy Life, What Works Blog|

If you are anything like me, I assume you are confused about what to believe when it comes to fitness or nutrition. There is so much information about these topics circulating out there, and much of the information is conflicting. This is the reason why I became a fitness professional. As a high schooler and fitness enthusiast, I didn’t know ...

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