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What Works Blog
Lose Weight When You are Too Busy to Diet
As a fitness professional, I’ve heard may times, “This is just not a good time for me to lose weight. I’m too stressed to lose weight right now. I can focus on losing weight when…”. It feels so frustrating to want something but never have the time to make it a priority. As a busy parent, or spouse, or ...
Food choices that stick
Spring can be a hard time of year: anxiety pulling out the wardrobe from last year, thinking ahead to wearing a swimsuit when it gets warm, attending ball games and barbecues with all the tempting food choices. It’s the consistent small decisions that make the biggest difference. Instead of making large commitments to yourself to “not eat dessert” or not ...
Better weekend choices
On busy weekends, it’s tempting to go for some deep-fried convenience foods, but here’s why it’s important to consider healthier options. https://www.ideafit.com/nutrition/fried-food-increases-heart-disease-risk/ After reading some of the truths about convenience foods, you may feel slightly more motivated to find a different option. Here are some of my favorite suggestions for succeeding through the weekend: Have a stash of “convenience ...
Create a new you by altering your environment
Yes, we are products of our environment. Our brains seek routine to make mental processing easier. Without knowing it, our minds are finding short cuts, building habits, and setting up routines based on our environment. This is incredibly useful if you are trying to lose weight this year. Just small changes in what and who is around you can seemingly ...
Do I Need to Take Supplements?
This is a very popular question that I hear from most new clients. Right now, you are probably bombarded with advertisements for all types of supplements: energy, weight loss, recovery, nutrients, etc. The answer to this question depends on your goals and your current diet and exercise routine. No matter your goals, here are the 2 best supplements available to ...
New core moves
I know you're in the middle of a busy week, but you can strengthen, sculpt and burn all at once with this ab-and-cardio combo workout.