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What Works Blog
“What Works” in fitness and nutrition #1
If you are anything like me, I assume you are confused about what to believe when it comes to fitness or nutrition. There is so much information about these topics circulating out there, and much of the information is conflicting. This is the reason why I became a fitness professional. As a high schooler and fitness enthusiast, I didn’t know ...
Your Holiday Vision
Saturday, Nov. 15th from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Join us for a discussion on harnessing your strengths to have a joyful, healthy holiday season. Hosted by Xcel Performance and Delong Wellness Julie Helton – certified personal trainer Janet Delong – certified health coach & physical therapist $10 per person
Benefits of Learning Self-defense
Mixed martial arts (MMA) has gained popularity over the past few years. The popularity of this sport has increased the number of men and women participating in mixed martial arts classes. These types of martial arts classes can appear more male-centric; however, knowing how to defend yourself is something a woman would be wise to prioritize. Rather than learning a ...
4 Great Foods to Keep in Your Diet
There are many misconceptions surrounding which foods consist of a healthy diet. Some foods are given a bad rap, but actually contain very dense nutrition that our bodies need. In general, stick to whole foods – foods that are produced in nature and not in a factory. Take a look at this great article that covers the nutrition benefits of eggs, nuts, ...
Great Fitness Moves to Do Anywhere with Your Friends
Sticking with a fitness regime can be challenging, especially if you are doing it all alone. The support of family and friends is crucial to a successful fitness program. Encourage those around you to join you in your quest for the best body possible! If you can’t make it to a group exercise class, grab a friend and try these ...
5 Useful Pieces of Group Fitness Equipment
Group Fitness: it’s fun, it’s social, it’s loud, and it’s diverse. Group classes can very in theme, style, and equipment use. There are all types of exercise equipment on the market. Some can be utilized for great results, and others are probably not worth your hard-earned money. Here are some of my favorites. They work great used in a circuit ...