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What Works Blog
5 Things to do before starting a spring exercise program
Hurray for spring! The weather is finally promising an end to winter. If you are like many human beings that lie dormant in hibernation for the winter, then you will want to consider a few things before busting the doors down and taking on a rigorous exercise program. Consider these 5 the top of your priority list this week as ...
How to have a healthy body for running
A popular trend in the past few years has been couch to 5k. Many “unfit” people have been successfully motivated to begin a fit lifestyle by lacing up their tennis shoes and hitting the road. I applaud these individuals for their enthusiasm and dedication. After the 5k many undertake racing a mini marathon, and for some, a full marathon or ...
Best Exercises to Get into Shape
Those new to a workout environment may be overwhelmed by the variety of exercises to choose from. A fitness professional knows that not all exercises are created equal. Depending on your fitness level, some can even be dangerous. So where should you start if you are a newbee? Workouts can take place anywhere: gym, living room, outdoors. This workout requires ...
7 Things to Buy for Great Home Fitness
We humans only do what we want to do. Many of us want to be healthy and fit, but it’s not always convenient. Make your goals fool-proof by supplying everything you need for a great workout at home. Run through a quick routine before or after work, or during breaks between college classes. Call a fitness coach to customize a routine ...
Black Friday Fitness Savings!
Purchase a $100 gift card to give away and receive a $20 gift to use at Xcel Performance for yourself! Offer begins Black Friday at 5:00 a.m. Text requests to (812) 219-0808 with your first and last name and how many cards you would like to reserve. Offer good while supplies last.
How to determine healthy body size
I came across some helpful information today that I would like to pass on. This article from Fitness Magazine summarizes the basics of metabolic function. You will learn what causes our bodies to burn calories, and what creates the slow-down of our metabolisms with age. Read on if you want to be informed about how you can best burn calories and ...