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What Works Blog
“What Works” What kind of warm-up should I do before running?
In my previous post, I highlighted the importance having good hip strength to prevent knee discomfort while running. Now I would like to elaborate on how important a good warm-up is to having a great, pain-free run. Foam roll. The IT band connects down the side of the leg from the hip to the knee. This band can get tight ...
“What Works” How do I prevent my knees from hurting when I run?
Running is a very high impact activity. Landing with each step is equivalent to jumping, even though you may not feel like you are jumping. Up to 3x your body weight is coming down in impactful force on your lower extremities. This is definitely a recipe for knee discomfort. If you love running and want to continue on a regular ...
CANCELED-Saturday Your Holiday Vision
The event for this Saturday will not be held.
“What Works” How do I get my abs back after pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a season, and it is entirely possible to return to a semblance of your pre-pregnancy body afterwards. It’s important to work on the fitness and conditioning of your body after a pregnancy, and especially if you plan to have another baby in the future. Your fitness level before becoming pregnant may determine how well your body “bounces back” ...
“What Works” #3: Why is interval training so good?
This week I had a new client ask me an excellent question: “What is interval training?” Interval training is cardio activity that is done in spurts. Instead of running at a consistent pace for a length of time or distance, the run is broken up into spurts of sprinting alternated with walking or slower running. Here are some examples: Stationary ...
“What Works” # 2: How do I not waste time at the gym?
I have been a part of many fitness centers in many different places around the US. No matter where I am-a hotel gym, a 24 hour fitness center, or staff hour at the varsity collegiate weight room, there are always people in there that are wasting their time. In the cardio area is the 30 year old woman watching movies ...